Structure of Trust Banks
- Origins of trusts in Japan and the enactment of the Trust Act and the Trust Business Act
- Development and integration of trust companies
- Post World War II high growth and Trust Banks
- Establishment of foreign-owned trust banks and the Japanese version of the "Big Bang" financial deregulation
- 2004 amendments to the Trust Business Act
- 2006 amendments to the Trust Act
- Types of trusts
- Money trusts & Loan trusts
- Investment trusts
- Family trusts·Inheritance - related operations
- Real estate trusts·Real estate business
- Pension trusts
- Asset formation trusts
- Asset securitization type trust(monetary claims trusts, real estate trusts)
- Securities trusts
- Securities trusts (specified money trusts, fund trusts)
- Stock Transfer Agencies
- Charitable trusts
- Specified donor trusts
- Product expectations
- Specified planned-giving trusts
- Legal guardianship support trusts
- Qualified educational fund giving trusts
- Employee stock ownership plan trusts
- Testamentary substitute trusts/ Successive life interest trusts
- Trusts With Certificates of Beneficial Interests
- Security trusts
- Emission credits trusts
- Intellectual property rights trusts
- Trust-type rights plan
Entities responsible for trusts
- Trust Banks
- Expansion of trust managers under the 2004 amendments to the Trust Business Act
- Over-the-counter operations for trust services