

全274件中 41〜80件を表示中

書籍名 著者名 発行所 発行年 配置番号
Property,Trusts and Succession 2nd ed. George L. Gretton/Andrew J M. Steven Bloomsbury Professional 2013 ⅩⅥ-4-5
Protectors of Trusts Mark Hubbard Oxford Univ Press 2013 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal vol.48(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2013 ⅩⅢ-2-3
The Law of Global Custody : Legal Risk Management in Securities Investment and Collateral 4th ed. Yates, Madeleine/ Montagu, Gerald Bloomsbury Professional 2013 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Unlocking Trusts 4th ed. Mohamed Ramjohn Routledge 2013 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Guide to Wills and Estates, 4th ed. American Bar Association 2012 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Probate Practice in Hong Kong, 3rd ed. Chistopher H. Sherrin Sweet & Maxwell Hong Kong 2012 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal vol.47(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2012 ⅩⅢ-2-3
Strategic Use of Trusts in Tax and Estate Planning Caroline Rheaume CCH Canadian 2012 ⅩⅥ-4-1
Implementing Estate Freezes 3rd ed. David Louis CCH Canadian 2011 ⅩⅥ-4-6
Islamic Wills,Trusts and Estates:panning for this world and the next Mufti Talha Ahmad Azami/Shahzad Siddiqui/Jo Summers Euromoney 2011 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Private Client: Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning Helen Cousal/Lesley King College of Law Pub 2011 ⅩⅥ-4-5
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal vol.46(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2011 ⅩⅢ-2-3
Cohabitation and Trusts of Land, 2nd ed. Stephen Wildblood/Elizabeth Darlington/Laura Heaton/Christopher Wagstaffe Sweet & Maxwell 2010 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Flexible Trusts and Estates for Uncertain Times, 4th ed. Jerold I. Horn ALIABA 2010 ⅩⅥ-4-5
Property,Trusts and Succession George L. Gretton/Andrew J M. Steven Tottel 2010 ⅩⅥ-4-5
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal vol.45(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2010 ⅩⅢ-2-3
Unlocking Trusts 3rd ed. Mohamed Ramjohn Hodder Education Group 2010 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Financial Services Law 2ed. Michael Blair/George Walker/Robert Purves Oxford 2009 ⅩⅤ-3-3
Practical Guide to Estate Planning for a Family with a Special Needs Child Sebastian Grassi Jr. ALIABA 2009 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal vol.44(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2009 ⅩⅢ-2-3
Risk and Negligence in Wills, Estates, and Trusts Frost, Martyn/Reed,Penelope/Baxter,Mark Oxford Univ Press 2009 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Trust, Globalisation and Market Expansion. Jacques-Marie Aurifeille/Christopher J. Medlin/Clem Tisdell Nova Science Pub. 2009 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Trusts for Senior Citizens Evan H. Farr/Bradley J. Frigon/Lawrence A. Frolik/Patricia F. Sitchler/Shirley B. Whitenack ALIABA 2009 ⅩⅥ-4-5
Fiduciary and Trust Activities Workbook 2008 American Bankers Association American Bankers Association 2008 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Loring A Trustee's Handbook 2008 ed. Charles E. Rounds Jr./Charles E. RoundsⅢ Aspen 2008 ⅩⅥ-4-2
Planning and Defending Asset-Protection Trusts Evan H. Farr/Richard W. Nenno/Gideon Rothschild/John A. Terrill Ⅱ/John E. Sullivan Ⅲ ALIABA 2008 ⅩⅥ-4-5
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal vol.43(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2008 ⅩⅢ-2-3
Revocable Trusts Line by Line Kelley Galica Peck Aspatore Books 2008 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Trust Basics: an introduction to the products and services of the trust industry, 4th ed. Monty P. Gregor ABA 2008 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Trust Practitioner's Handbook 2ed. Gill Steel Law Society 2008 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Fiduciary Glossary Texas Bankers Association Texas Bankers Association 2007 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal vol.42(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2007 ⅩⅢ-2-3
Retirement Plan Services (Comptroller's Handbook) Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 2007 ⅩⅣ-2-2
Drafting Cayman Islands Trusts James Kessler/Tony Pursall Kluwer Law 2006 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Land Trust Standards and Practices Guidebook:an operating manual for land trusts 2006 vol.1 Sylvia K. Bates/Tammara Van Ryn Land Trust Alliance 2006 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Land Trust Standards and Practices Guidebook:an operating manual for land trusts 2006 vol.2 Sylvia K. Bates/Tammara Van Ryn Land Trust Alliance 2006 ⅩⅥ-4-4
Maximizing the Value of Trusts & Estates Aspatore Books 2006 ⅩⅥ-4-3
Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal vol.41(合本) P.Philip Lacovara American Bar Association 2006 ⅩⅢ-2-3
Trust Basics: an introduction to the products and services of the trust industry, 3rd ed. Monty P. Gregor ABA 2006 ⅩⅥ-4-4

全274件中 41〜80件を表示中